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As it stands, Sapper's Bad Dream isn't as bad as the trailer makes it out to be Yes, visually it could do with a lot more work, but overall being cast into a labyrinth with ghosts of past bombermen (or so I assume they are) is a nice, lamenting touch.. https:\/\/www youtube com\/watch?v=MNvHFbjZHuQ<\/a>**QUICK THOUGHTS**I went into this game expecting another generic horror themed title on Steam everyone would probably forget about pretty quick.. This isn't to say it isn't without faults Every stage you feel like you're walking on ice, making it very troublesome to navigate.. Yes, the graphics looked like crap and the game boring due to the trailer on the page.. youtube com\/watch?v=MNvHFbjZHuQ<\/a>**QUICK THOUGHTS**I went into this game expecting another generic horror themed title on Steam everyone would probably forget about pretty quick. OmniOutliner Pro 4.6 Download Free

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Sapper 039;s Bad Dream Addons